the man with the golden elbows…

He is called many things but you know him best as Carnage. For those that are unfamiliar with Nathan Corbett, he is the best proven, tactical elbow fighter in the world and a genuine striking wizard. Carnage is perhaps the greatest heavyweight Muay Thai fighter in history and without a doubt one of the world’s leading elbow specialists. Watching his fights, you will often just see his opponents drop to the canvas. Only in the slow-mo replay do you see the slick elbow that came from nowhere, hitting it’s mark on the chin or temple and sending the recipient to the mat. Those with the grit and chin to withstand the blows, see more of their own blood than they care to and eventually see the doctor waving off the fight due to cuts.

The 11x World Champion has relocated to the US and has been on a year-long seminar tour, including visits to Europe, with the intention of building his brand and name internationally by serving as an inspirational icon and coach, teaching his carnal elbow and Muay Thai striking techniques to the next generation of Thai boxers, kickboxers and mixed martial artists in their everlasting search for improvement. His time here in America this past year has seen him do more than a dozen seminars and has earned him a position as full-time commentator for Lion Fight, the USA’s most popular Muay Thai fighting organization. The Elbow Master continues to grow his brand and elbow striking system and is currently back home in Australia touring. He will return to the states in 2023.


OFFICIAL RECORD: 59 - 5 - 0, 1 NC

titles & Accolades

2013 W.K.N. Muay Thai Heavyweight World Champion

2013 W.K.N. Muay Thai Heavyweight World Champion

2012 W.K.N. Muay Thai Heavyweight World Champion

2010 W.K.N. Muay Thai Heavyweight World Champion

2010 A-1 World Combat Cup Heavyweight Tournament Champion

2009 W.I.P.U. King of the Ring Champion

2007 K-1 Fighting Network Scandinavian Qualification Champion

2005 W.B.C. Muay Thai Light Heavyweight World Champion

2005-06 W.M.C. Muay Thai Cruiserweight World Champion

2005 I.M.F. World Champion

2003 W.M.C. Muay Thai Light Heavyweight World Champion


Seminar curriculum & Program

-3 hour Carnage Muay Thai striking/elbow seminar

-Muay Thai striking with special emphasis on elbows

-How to penetrate the armor and get on the inside

-Clinch work and in-fighting

-Champion mindset & KO mentality

-Post-seminar meet and greet for photos

Carnage at Muay Thai School USA in North Hollywood, CA